Cleveland Browns Tickets What Would You Do For Cleveland Brown SEASON TICKETS?

What would you do for Cleveland Brown SEASON TICKETS? - cleveland browns tickets

There's a local competition to go as crazy as you want it on a certain day and the judges!

The winner will receive tickets for the Browns game!
2. Brady Quinn receives a football helmet signed!
3. receive a bottle of vodka Donte Stallworth signed!


elkgond1 said...

I'm going to break into Heinz Field and buried a jersey Brian Sipe in an area and a pavilion Cleveland Browns Elf on the other end zone. Then, when the Browns beat the Steelers, I cry and confess, and Exum tests. I go to prison and the infamous Browns Fan

I want tickets?

I think I can not before the judge.

Mr E said...

The winner gets the tickets? You should take the losers on the ticket!

Ohio State Police are cracking down on speeding in the Cleveland game.

For the first offense, you will receive two tickets Browns.
If you paused for a second time, he uses them.

Where you should go to Cleveland, where a tornado?
For Browns Stadium, they never there in a touchdown!

What is the difference between the Browns and a dollar bill?
You can still four quarters of a dollar bill.

But seriously, the crazier that I can think of to do for season tickets to home games at Brown ... Promise to use!

Mr E said...

The winner gets the tickets? You should take the losers on the ticket!

Ohio State Police are cracking down on speeding in the Cleveland game.

For the first offense, you will receive two tickets Browns.
If you paused for a second time, he uses them.

Where you should go to Cleveland, where a tornado?
For Browns Stadium, they never there in a touchdown!

What is the difference between the Browns and a dollar bill?
You can still four quarters of a dollar bill.

But seriously, the crazier that I can think of to do for season tickets to home games at Brown ... Promise to use!

Jordon said...

A bottle of vodka Stallworth? I think this is a joke ..... taking account of the prison for that. And to answer your question .... I get a lot of season tickets for Brown, because you can sell and make money. What can I do to move the game from Gordon Brown? Not much ....

TIMMAYYY... said...

I want a download, put it in a paper bag, light the fire and put it on the door of the stadium.

Can I change the inputs, CLEVELAND SUCKS !!!!!

Packers Fan said...

This wins the craziest stunt

To say the Browns win 12 games and win the Superbowl
or say, that's just crazy to pay (if they are season ticket Lions lol)

masterch... said...

Money is actually for them would be the craziest thing I think you could pay. You need to Pitt before I consider paying TIX season play.

©Florida Gator Man said...

Bouts no vote.

©Florida Gator Man said...

Bouts no vote.

hookline... said...

This is not what I for a Klondike bar, for sure.

J.O (Detroit Fan™) said...

lol at ..... 3. Prize

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